Posted by Britt on Aug 20, 2013 in Live Your True Nature | 0 comments
Yesterday I mentioned the magic of the morning, meeting a hummingbird moth for the first time. My evening was filled with magical dancing! I walked out of the local co-op after buying groceries to be greeted by the nearly full moon rising over a church. I watched the moon dance with the pink whips of clouds, gracefully gliding along the dance floor of the sky. I knew if I stayed a few more dances, the moon would rise directly above the church steeple. Camera in hand, I witnessed this waltz. It was as if I were dancing on the earth’s ceiling along side the moon. I was amazed how many people walked right by without hearing the music before them. When I had the camera to my eye, some stopped and pulled out their iPhones and exclaimed about the beauty of the ballroom with the moon tiara shimmering above the church steeple.