A Single Blade?

Posted by on Sep 12, 2013 in Live Your True Nature, Nature, Poetry, Self-love | 4 comments

Single Blade, So Much More ©Britt Nielsen

Single Blade, So Much More
©Britt Nielsen

A Single Blade
Is that what you see?
A single blade catching the sun?
I am so much more.
See all of life reflected here.
You are here too.
Can you feel your presence?
Pause a moment, breathing it in.
I am a single blade.
I lean out in search of Solitude.
I sway with Wind as my lead, though
without me, there would be no dance
on the water’s edge.
Oh, how Water ripples with glee
at our playful dance.
So, now we are three.
Wait there’s more.
You make four.
Stay and dance.
Single Blade am I,
bending, dipping and
masquerading as a Single Blade.
Can you not see the depth of me
beyond my curves, fold down the middle,
and narrowing tip?
Life explodes within and beyond
the shadows of my sinewy ridges.
I plunge to my depths and pop up for air,
diving deeper again and again
until I erupt laughing,
breathing fully now.
I am me!

Single Blade, So Much More


  1. “Oh, how Water ripples with glee
    at our playful dance.
    So, now we are three.
    Wait there’s more.
    You make four.”

    how delightful Britt
    the way you describe the expansion of the connection
    and the dance
    of co-creation


    • Ah, thank you Teresa! I love hearing how nature’s images and words resonate with others. Thank you for sharing your insights!

  2. Its amazing how a single blade IS so much more. Your writing and your images are beautiful!

    • Thank you, Tina! Feel free to sign up for sporadic updates (in the sidebar) and check my Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/liveyourtruenature to see more photographs. Thanks for stopping by! Lots to celebrate:-)

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