Posted by Britt on May 30, 2015 in Live Your True Nature, Poetry, Reflections | 3 comments
Something Shifted
as we drifted
as sudden
as together
we came
like plates of the Universe,
a subtle shift,
a quake of the earth,
and all has changed
Where do we go from here?
Is there a way out?
No need to shout or doubt.
Amidst the rubble is your path.
Light will shine
and all will be revealed, as you follow your essence,
true and Divine.
Your heart knows the way.
Move one rock at a time.
Sit in stillness to hear the whispers of the Universe,
as to the next move.
Whose turn is it anyway!?
The Divine.
©2015Britt Nielsen
I had no idea you wrote poetry. Beautiful poem
Thank you Corina! Yes, I started to dismantle blocks in my creative process over 5 years ago, which allowed writing to flow through me in new ways.
Beautiful Britt!
May we all realize the illusion of our grip onto life and surrender into the Divine Order,