Posted by Britt on Aug 22, 2018 in Live Your True Nature | 2 comments
I woke to a room with a view, from Sparky the van in Steuben, Maine.
Thank goodness for public libraries when you need Wi-Fi/cellular connection or shelter from the rain. I spent the day at the library loading photos and researching the route for tomorrow.
There were fewer mosquitoes behind the library than at the campground, so I opened the rear hatch to provide a little shelter from the rain and set up the stove to reheat my “guay tiow” noodle soup from “The Best Thai” restaurant. I was pleasantly surprised to come across a Thai restaurant yesterday afternoon and really enjoyed chatting with several of the staff in Thai. They seem to enjoy chatting with me just as much!
You have more talent than the average person. Certainly more than I have. I love this picture and the one of your view with Sparky and the ‘matching’ picnic table!
Thank you so much!;-) We have talent in different areas. I have photography talent; don’t ask me to quilt or even sew a bag;-)