The Spirit in me honors the Spirit in you. May your day be filled with Pure Divine Energy (whatever that means to you). Power runs through the veins of your wrists. Bare them in all your vulnerability, asking for what you need. Look for the signposts of your personal helping hand. The fingers point the way, guiding you in every moment. Namaste.
Love is Everywhere! I see hearts often in nature, though the surroundings aren’t always beautiful. I recently saw an automobile oil leak in a parking lot in the shape of a heart. Today’s heart came in the form of a cut-out in a daffodil petal. Keep your eyes open for signs of love! It starts with each of us.♥ I’d love to hear what you see!
Read MoreLovely out in the woods. I feel at home. I want to stay. All is well in this moment. Warm air with touch of coolness, fragrant moist earth, sounds of peepers, woodpecker, honking of geese, and crunch of leaves underfoot… I soak it all up, taking in the sights of a hiding snake, bright orange fungus, deep green mossy curving stone wall, and trillium coming into their own… Even as I hear the pitter patter of raindrops on leaves and feel drops on my head, still I want to stay. Fully present in this moment. Though darkness creeps in, I feel lighter. Thank you mother nature. Let’s keep spending time together.
Ps: thank you for showering me with love as the rain picks up and I see this heart. ♥️
Love is unique in every moment. What about Love could we venture to say this photograph illustrates?
Love comes in all shades, shapes and sizes. Deep veins run through our Love. Or is it that Love runs through our veins?
Our backgrounds, whether as comfortable as moss or hard and rocky, contribute to the contrast of where we struggle and where we shine at holding an open stream of Love for ourselves and others.
Shadows, like birthmarks reveal the individuality of our Love. Whether or not our edges are smooth or ruffled, Love still exists in some shape or form.
Each of us has an everlasting umbilical cord as a conduit for giving and receiving Love. We all have the pathway to let this rich nourishment of Love flow!
Read MoreDrinking in the nectar of the moment
©Britt Nielsen
With each breath, let Love flow in and radiate out.
Do what you LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE and watch the love and JOY multiply!