I was sad one day and went for a walk
I sat in a field
A rabbit noticed my condition and came near
It often does not take more than that
to help at times
to just be close to creatures who
are so full of knowing,
so full of love
that they don’t–
they just gaze with
their marvelous understanding.
~by Saint John of the Cross,
16th Century mystic
excerpted from Living the Wisdom of the Tao
by Wayne Dyer
On this Day in May
If I were the rabbit, I would be in the field with you.
You might hear me–not asking what’s wrong,
but in my nibbling of greens
and grace of being,
you would be reminded of what’s right,
even in times of great sorrow and upheaval.
As tears flow,
you might taste their perfect saltiness,
feeing the release of what was,
honoring deeply,
knowing tears are love
for a new home.
Let them flow ~
into the stream,
feeling the cleansing.
Let yourself be caressed and carried
by the stream,
buoyed by the waters in the moment,
without thought of what is around the next bend.
That is too much to bear —
Be buoyed, in this moment,
in the waters that flow,
in and around you
in and around you
In the waters that flow,
be buoyed
buoyed by the grace of the bunny in the field,
and the elements of nature.
Just for this moment.
(c) Britt Nielsen
on this day in May
in 2023
Something Shifted
as we drifted
as sudden
as together
we came
like plates of the Universe,
a subtle shift,
a quake of the earth,
and all has changed
Where do we go from here?
Is there a way out?
No need to shout or doubt.
Amidst the rubble is your path.
Light will shine
and all will be revealed, as you follow your essence,
true and Divine.
Your heart knows the way.
Move one rock at a time.
Sit in stillness to hear the whispers of the Universe,
as to the next move.
Whose turn is it anyway!?
The Divine.
©2015Britt Nielsen
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A Single Blade
Is that what you see?
A single blade catching the sun?
I am so much more.
See all of life reflected here.
You are here too.
Can you feel your presence?
Pause a moment, breathing it in.
I am a single blade.
I lean out in search of Solitude.
I sway with Wind as my lead, though
without me, there would be no dance
on the water’s edge.
Oh, how Water ripples with glee
at our playful dance.
So, now we are three.
Wait there’s more.
You make four.
Stay and dance.
Single Blade am I,
bending, dipping and
masquerading as a Single Blade.
Can you not see the depth of me
beyond my curves, fold down the middle,
and narrowing tip?
Life explodes within and beyond
the shadows of my sinewy ridges.
I plunge to my depths and pop up for air,
diving deeper again and again
until I erupt laughing,
breathing fully now.
I am me!
Single Blade, So Much More
Read More“If I were the sunset, I would kiss the earth goodnight
and pull my golden blanket over it’s horizon.
If I were the earth, I’d rest in the sun’s sweet embrace
until it woke me with a golden kiss.”
©2013 Britt Nielsen
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“A Single Leaf” was created through me on a magical autumn day. Such a deafening crunch of leaves underfoot, as I explored the sun-warmed woods, mesmerized by the leaves as they fell blanketing the autumn ground. I never knew when the next ones would leave limb and float under the deep blue sky. Each leaf partnered with the wind, creating a unique dance as it drifted with grace. Only Mother Nature could choreograph such beauty and wonder. I felt an urge to express the awe I was experiencing. When I went to write it in my iPhone (so much for the Thoreau-like romanticism of sitting on a bed of leaves with paper and pencil), this poem came through me in literally two minutes, a fraction of the time it is taking me to write this blog post. The leaf dance was too unpredictable to capture with my 100mm camera lens, so I settled for this image of a limbed leaf, perhaps contemplating its next journey.
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