
Be the Light

Posted by on Nov 12, 2014 in Live Your True Nature, Nature, Self-love, True Nature Expression | 0 comments

Receive the light. It’s shining from all directions.
Let the light of your true nature shine and brighten the world simply by being you!

Be the Light You Are

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New Perspective From A Broken Window

Posted by on Nov 18, 2013 in Live Your True Nature, Self-love | 0 comments

What thoughts or beliefs do you let hinder or even stop you in life? How do you feel limited in your body or abilities? Only have one shutter? Start enjoying the sunshine more. Feeling shattered? Find beauty in the shards, let go of the pieces you no longer need, let the light through, seeing beauty within and through the other side. Could you look at the broken glass in a new way, letting life flow as easily as that light shines through?

A Window into the Past, Present and Future  ©Britt Nielsen

A Window into the Past, Present and Future
©Britt Nielsen

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Shades of Love

Posted by on Oct 4, 2013 in Love, Nature, Self-love | 2 comments

Shades of Love ©Britt Nielsen

Shades of Love
©Britt Nielsen


Love is unique in every moment. What about Love could we venture to say this photograph illustrates?

Love comes in all shades, shapes and sizes. Deep veins run through our Love. Or is it that Love runs through our veins?

Our backgrounds, whether as comfortable as moss or hard and rocky, contribute to the contrast of where we struggle and where we shine at holding an open stream of Love for ourselves and others.

Shadows, like birthmarks reveal the individuality of our Love. Whether or not our edges are smooth or ruffled, Love still exists in some shape or form.

Each of us has an everlasting umbilical cord as a conduit for giving and receiving Love. We all have the pathway to let this rich nourishment of Love flow!

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Grasshopper Greetings

Posted by on Sep 30, 2013 in Lessons from Animals, Self-love | 0 comments

Grasshopper Greetings ©Britt Nielsen

Grasshopper Greetings
©Britt Nielsen

Grasshopper greetings to all!
Have you ever had one of those times when you’re finding your way through emotions as tangled as these blades of grass? I admit I’ve been in that place .  It can seem dark and confusing underneath, though there’s always a way through if we breathe deeply, and look for the light. During those occasions is it time to kindly embrace your shadow, the part of you, you might not be so proud of, or demand change? Is it as if you’re trying to birth a dinosaur, when the dinosaur egg needs to hatch in its own time? Are all the emotions too heavy to sort through? Would it feel better and even more productive to stop thinking and to breathe? To stop spinning your wheels in the mud, making deeper ruts, and instead get out and walk gracefully, admiring the pattern in those ruts, and all the beauty that surrounds you, and is within you? You know the way, Dear Grasshopper! Here you are emerging from underneath the tangled blades, ready for what’s next!

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A Single Blade?

Posted by on Sep 12, 2013 in Live Your True Nature, Nature, Poetry, Self-love | 4 comments

Single Blade, So Much More ©Britt Nielsen

Single Blade, So Much More
©Britt Nielsen

A Single Blade
Is that what you see?
A single blade catching the sun?
I am so much more.
See all of life reflected here.
You are here too.
Can you feel your presence?
Pause a moment, breathing it in.
I am a single blade.
I lean out in search of Solitude.
I sway with Wind as my lead, though
without me, there would be no dance
on the water’s edge.
Oh, how Water ripples with glee
at our playful dance.
So, now we are three.
Wait there’s more.
You make four.
Stay and dance.
Single Blade am I,
bending, dipping and
masquerading as a Single Blade.
Can you not see the depth of me
beyond my curves, fold down the middle,
and narrowing tip?
Life explodes within and beyond
the shadows of my sinewy ridges.
I plunge to my depths and pop up for air,
diving deeper again and again
until I erupt laughing,
breathing fully now.
I am me!

Single Blade, So Much More

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Drinking in the nectar of the moment

Posted by on Sep 11, 2013 in Lessons from Animals, Love, Nature, Self-love | 0 comments

Drinking in the nectar of the moment ©Britt Nielsen

Drinking in the nectar of the moment
©Britt Nielsen

I love how two of these wood nymph butterflies look like one butterfly as they come together and how their wings form the shape of a heart. In gratitude as I join the butterflies in drinking in the nectar of the moment.

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