When you don’t know what lies ahead of you, are you filled with fear, worrying about what might go wrong and the possible darkness ahead?
Or can you trust that you will be alright even in the darkness, see light ahead, and go with curiosity about what might be around the next bend?
Can you imagine the future filled with the golden glow of great possibilities as if you are feeling it now?
Is there truly just one reality or do we have the power to select the filters of our lenses and approach life according to our choosing?
Read MoreDo you ever have a desire, dream, or piece of work you wish to bloom into being, but it seems to be in bud stage forever? We look for the quick blossoming until we reflect on the grace of nature through all elements. We find patience through rainy weather, wait for sun and then remember to water those desires and speak words of love until one day we realize we’re in the midst of our spring, living our dreams.
From Bud to Blossom
©Britt Nielsen
Though your path may appear murky at first, the next step will be clear if you stay true to your knowing.
What does the energy of what you desire or what you wish to create feel like? Close your eyes and feel it. Don’t think it, FEEL it. Gently. Let your breath carry you. As you gaze into this image, feel yourself drift into your desires. Does it feel like floating on cloud nine? Is there peace, exuberant effervescence or ecstacy to it? What energy flows forth for you?
Read MoreThe Spirit in me honors the Spirit in you. May your day be filled with Pure Divine Energy (whatever that means to you). Power runs through the veins of your wrists. Bare them in all your vulnerability, asking for what you need. Look for the signposts of your personal helping hand. The fingers point the way, guiding you in every moment. Namaste.