This photo seems to fit the journey ahead. Plane ticket to Costa Rica is purchased and the first two nights at a guesthouse 10 miles from the San José airport are booked. That’s it! It feels like a big junction coming up, leaving the snow and my Vermont life for a new adventure. I will have all winter to keep choosing at each new fork in the road! Though I love the freedom of not being tied to an itinerary, it’s not always easy for me to make a decision when that fork in the road feels more like an octopus. This will be a time to quiet the mind, tune in and practice choosing.
Read MoreI observed this toad taking the time (time enough for me to go from garden to house and back to get my phone camera and then observe it a while) to be in the moment and to choose it’s path. It does seem like a time to reflect on where we are and where we want to go. May each of us hop in the direction of our heart’s desire!
Read MoreToday feels like a day to organize, curl up with a book, journal, reflect on what’s to be created next, stroll through the woods… Here are some signs of autumn from my last walk in the woods. Though most leaves are still green and on the trees, these in their autumnal glory surprised me with their vibrant colors and how artfully they had landed on the ground. The fungal variety also never ceases to amaze me, especially this time of year! And of course, there are hearts–love everywhere, and in all the seasons! Oh how I love the woods! What do you love about this time of year wherever you are?
Read MoreAre you sitting on the fence? I’m good at that! Actually I’m an expert at weighing all the pros and cons of everything! I’m playing with getting off the fence and more readily making choices. I can always make another choice a moment later. How about you? Are you sitting on the fence about something or are you choosing for you in every moment, knowing you can always choose again? Once we choose, it’s like the stinky stagnant waters of indecision are set into free-flowing motion towards what we desire!
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