Posted by Britt on Nov 12, 2014 in Live Your True Nature, Nature, Self-love, True Nature Expression | 0 comments
Receive the light. It’s shining from all directions.
Let the light of your true nature shine and brighten the world simply by being you!

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Posted by Britt on Jan 20, 2014 in Live Your True Nature | 0 comments

Follow the Light
©Britt Nielsen
Follow the light. Your heart sends out a beacon of light guiding you at every moment. You need only stay open to see it. Follow it without judgment. Trust it. Know there are no wrong turns and you have no lifetime commitment to those turns or choices; you can always choose again. Your heart knows what’s best. Follow the light! Can’t see the light? Go with what feels ‘light’. Here nature’s soft glow is my guiding light.
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Posted by Britt on Oct 4, 2013 in Love, Nature, Self-love | 2 comments

Shades of Love
©Britt Nielsen
Love is unique in every moment. What about Love could we venture to say this photograph illustrates?
Love comes in all shades, shapes and sizes. Deep veins run through our Love. Or is it that Love runs through our veins?
Our backgrounds, whether as comfortable as moss or hard and rocky, contribute to the contrast of where we struggle and where we shine at holding an open stream of Love for ourselves and others.
Shadows, like birthmarks reveal the individuality of our Love. Whether or not our edges are smooth or ruffled, Love still exists in some shape or form.
Each of us has an everlasting umbilical cord as a conduit for giving and receiving Love. We all have the pathway to let this rich nourishment of Love flow!
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Posted by Britt on Aug 15, 2013 in True Nature Expression | 0 comments

This Morning’s Song: Barefoot, Bathing in Sunshine, a dog that stares at shadows regardless of whether or not they stare back!
Sing Your Song, Dance Your Dance
©Britt Nielsen
Like a magic act, it had suddenly vanished! Just over 2 weeks of posting photographs daily, the motivation to post again was gone!
It would be simple to post one of the gorgeous nature images from my archives that I love. Why wasn’t I called to jump on the computer to share one? It feels great to share when there’s interaction with my postings–when people ‘like’ or comment or share. Yesterday there wasn’t any interaction. I wasn’t at all worried that nobody had liked it. I was content with what I had written and really liked the photograph as well. What I write and what photo I post is what comes out each day. Sometimes I’m more excited about it than others but I don’t need the ‘likes’ as acknowledgement. It’s just more meaningful to me if I feel it “reaches” people. It’s the difference between having a conversation with myself, or with others.
Sure accolades are lovely, but I love photographing regardless of if anyone sees or showers praise on my photographs. The trick in the magic show of posting on my website and Facebook fanpage is how to dance the motivation mambo–how to continue to dance and love it, regardless of whether or not there are dance partners! I do love to dance and to share; I know I have to do it for me regardless of whether or not or how what I share is received. Again, I came to this realization as I stood outside barefoot in the wet grass in my nightshirt, bathing in sunshine, listening to cooing morning doves, clucking chickens, and crowing rooster, all singing their song whether or not anyone hears them.
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Posted by Britt on Aug 11, 2013 in Live Your True Nature, True Nature Expression | 0 comments
Lessons from a poppy: Let go of all resistance, embrace the sun and the rain, emerge, let your true colors show and LIVE vibrantly!

Let Your True Colors Show ©Britt Nielsen
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