Backyard Beauty

Posted by on Aug 17, 2013 in Nature | 0 comments

Happy Saturday! What beauty can you find right out your door? Perhaps there’s something you never noticed before.

Backyard Beauty

Backyard Beauty
What do you see out your door?
iPhone image ©Britt Nielsen

Take a moment or more to observe today. See how the elements of light, rain, wind…shape what you see.

Observe how it changes with the elements and as you look from afar and up close. I’d love to hear what you notice.

You can take a picture with your mind, high tech camera gear, a point and shoot, or phone camera. Here is this morning’s iPhone image of dewdrops on pine needles with Black-Eyed Susan’s in the background. What else do you see? Can you see the small web and spider between the pine needles? Revel in your back yard beauty! No back yard? Check out the front sidewalk!

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