And We’re off…!

Posted by on Aug 19, 2018 in Adventure, Freestyle Living, Live Your True Nature | 0 comments

Tune in here for tales (or at least pictures) of one woman’s three-week solo road trip from Vermont to the north eastern provinces of Canada in “Sparky” the red van. As is typical in my travels, nothing has been planned beyond the first stop! Headed to Portland, Maine area to stay with a friend. As hard as it is the leave the beauty of Vermont, I’m excited to explore new areas!

The beauty of Vermont–Camel’s Hump through the tinted windshield. (c) Britt Nielsen

I knew my trip was off to a good start when I saw this sticker in a rest area restroom!

Better than “alright!” (c) Britt Nielsen

First quick visit to Portland, Maine left a good impression though best to visit again in the off season! I took a “wrong” turn and ended up on Mackworth Island outside Portland. This was the perfect place to enjoy my picnic dinner and a walk around the island. 

(c) Britt Nielsen

picnic dinner view on Mackworth Island (c) Britt Nielsen

Fairy House Community on Mackworth Island (c) Britt Nielsen

Wonderful to stay at a friend’s this first night. Elizabeth has invited me to spend a night in a Lighthouse keeper’s house tomorrow on an island at the mouth of the Kennebunk river. There are tales of it being haunted… 

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