Lessons from Animals

Walk Your Art

Posted by on Jan 30, 2015 in Costa Rica, Lessons from Animals, Live Your True Nature, Nature | 0 comments

There is art in simply being who you are. May you share that with the world. Learn from the crabs and create art wherever you are!

Walk your Art. Lessons from a crab.

Walk your Art. Lessons from a crab.


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Be who you are–lessons from a heron

Posted by on Mar 6, 2014 in Lessons from Animals, Live Your True Nature, Nature | 0 comments

Be who you are, cowlicks and all. Step out into the icy waters to plunge to the depths of you. Emerge confident. There’s nothing like a “polar bear plunge” to instill belief that you can do anything. Dare to go deeper and further than you’ve gone before. Be bold. Strut your stuff with the grace of who you truly are.

Be who you are, cowlicks and all.  ©Britt Nielsen

Great Blue Heron
©Britt Nielsen

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Grasshopper Greetings

Posted by on Sep 30, 2013 in Lessons from Animals, Self-love | 0 comments

Grasshopper Greetings ©Britt Nielsen

Grasshopper Greetings
©Britt Nielsen

Grasshopper greetings to all!
Have you ever had one of those times when you’re finding your way through emotions as tangled as these blades of grass? I admit I’ve been in that place .  It can seem dark and confusing underneath, though there’s always a way through if we breathe deeply, and look for the light. During those occasions is it time to kindly embrace your shadow, the part of you, you might not be so proud of, or demand change? Is it as if you’re trying to birth a dinosaur, when the dinosaur egg needs to hatch in its own time? Are all the emotions too heavy to sort through? Would it feel better and even more productive to stop thinking and to breathe? To stop spinning your wheels in the mud, making deeper ruts, and instead get out and walk gracefully, admiring the pattern in those ruts, and all the beauty that surrounds you, and is within you? You know the way, Dear Grasshopper! Here you are emerging from underneath the tangled blades, ready for what’s next!

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Drinking in the nectar of the moment

Posted by on Sep 11, 2013 in Lessons from Animals, Love, Nature, Self-love | 0 comments

Drinking in the nectar of the moment ©Britt Nielsen

Drinking in the nectar of the moment
©Britt Nielsen

I love how two of these wood nymph butterflies look like one butterfly as they come together and how their wings form the shape of a heart. In gratitude as I join the butterflies in drinking in the nectar of the moment.

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Lessons from a toad

Posted by on Sep 6, 2013 in Lessons from Animals, Nature | 0 comments

I observed this toad taking the time (time enough for me to go from garden to house and back to get my phone camera and then observe it a while) to be in the moment and  to choose it’s path. It does seem like a time to reflect on where we are and where we want to go. May each of us hop in the direction of our heart’s desire!

Lesson from a Toad ©Britt Nielsen

Lessons from a Toad
©Britt Nielsen

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Let your curiosity run wild and free

Posted by on Sep 5, 2013 in Lessons from Animals, Live Your True Nature | 0 comments

Curiosity may have killed a cat,  but in my book, curiosity has kindled many fires, sparking ideas and cooking dreams into reality! Are you afraid of killing a cat, or can you foster the curiosity of a calf, and let it run like a piglet, wild and free?

Curious as a Calf ©Britt Nielsen

Curious as a Calf
©Britt Nielsen


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