Do you ever wake or go about your day feeling in a fog? Caught up in what seem to be crazy life issues? Have you been known to react, adding to the drama?
Are you able to catch yourself, take some deep breaths, wait it out, having faith that you’ll experience life beyond the dense fog?
Though things may appear to move in slow motion, as you focus on anything positive, (sure there may be dense fog, but look at all those gorgeous flowers!;-), the heavy fog of the situation miraculously lifts until you just see lovely flowers and feel the warmth of the sunshine.
Once everything is clear, do you catch yourself suddenly seeing the beauty of the fog and possibly even missing the contrast!? What if we chose to make those circumstances irrelevant and set our internal channel to whatever we want in whatever moment. Though at times it feels as if it has gone missing, we do indeed each have the remote.
Read MoreDo you ever feel like “a lone coconut” but know in your heart that you are supposed to be just as you are and right where you are regardless of the actions and whereabouts of all the other coconuts!?;-)#liveyourtruenature
Petrichor: the smell of the earth after the rain + fragrant blossoms + the earth drenched in beauty = delicious recipe for the senses
Do you ever have a desire, dream, or piece of work you wish to bloom into being, but it seems to be in bud stage forever? We look for the quick blossoming until we reflect on the grace of nature through all elements. We find patience through rainy weather, wait for sun and then remember to water those desires and speak words of love until one day we realize we’re in the midst of our spring, living our dreams.
From Bud to Blossom
©Britt Nielsen
Though your path may appear murky at first, the next step will be clear if you stay true to your knowing.