I’m part of a 21 day Big Shifts Writing Circle If you missed my personal post Staring Fear Head On, Writing Beyond, check it out first.
Day 6, 1/6/17
“…Life is abundant and creative you are a creational being by nature. You are always creating whether you’re conscious of it or not. Remember a time when you were in flow. You had an idea and the way to bring it into being occurred to you easily, you took action and made it real and… brought it into being…What if you were to choose to consciously create more of your world, you know just like an artist with a blank canvas? Imagine an array of wonderful colors to choose from and all the time in the world to devote to your new masterpiece…” Adela Rubio
“All around us the fundamentals of life are crying out to be shaped or created.” Joseph Beuys
Prompt: I create
I create with the click of the camera shutter. I see beauty as Mother Nature speaks it to me. I bring forth this song of nature in visual form to share it with you. Revel and delight in this wild beauty that we co-create.
I’d love to see your writing in the comments below if you are so called.
1/7/17 2pm EST there will be a call with quotes and writing prompts. Join us at The Big Shifts Writing Project for the call-in information, and to experience a live writing circle (for the next 3 Saturdays 1/7, 1/14, 1/21)
Read MoreI’m part of a 21 day writing circle with Adela Rubio. She’s a master at these writing circles (and so much more). If you missed my personal post Staring Fear Head On, Writing Beyond, click here.
Day 2, 1/2/17, Prompt: My Master Plan
My Master Plan is still somewhat of a mystery. I haven’t completed all 7 steps of successful people and created a business plan an followed it to a T. How much orchestration do I have in the symphony of this plan? Will the curtain part revealing this masterpiece? Must I painstakingly tune my instrument and practice for hours daily? May I follow my spirit and joy, leading me, like breadcrumbs to a next key to unlock the subsequent piece to be played in this grand concerto?
I’d love to see your writing in the comments below if you are so called. And to play bigger join us at the Big Shifts Writing Project
Read MoreI had fear of writing before I did my first writing circle with Adela Rubio. The thought of writing (even years after getting through graduate school and teaching English to speakers of Other Languages) instantly threw me into my childhood blank page panic of a deer frozen in the headlights, not knowing which way to run. Run was what I was supposed to do, right!? It certainly seemed easier than staring down that empty page that stared back as I wondered where to start. I think I would have taken more action if a car had been hurtling down the road straight for me. That certainly would have given me something to write about and no time for perfection. Essentially Adela was that speeding car. She offered a fun and often poignant writing prompt and limited time (2-4 minutes), which curbed the prowess of my perfectionist filter. Perhaps so, but I still stood stark naked and vulnerable. It seemed Adela had me in mind when she named our first group Naked Writers. Who knew it might actually be easier to write in the buff. It’s powerful to put words on paper and then speak them to others (on the writing call). This form of creative expression with a twist gave me new voice. It was as if I had unhooked my body bra, freeing my true essence. Fast forward 6 years or so and I’m still writing with Adela, baring more and more. Today is the first of a 21 day circle with my writing sisters. I’ll include my 2 minute writings here. Feel free to join in writing as you are called, especially if it scares you.
Join here: http://bigshifts.com/joinwritingproject
Day 1, 1/1/17, Prompt: Mystery Calls
Mystery calls. Hear it echo over the land, ricocheting off the canyon walls. Mystery goes deep, yet it breathes expansive possibilities. Mystery. The word seems dark in nature to me, filled with fear and anxiety. What if I gave it new clothes? Imagine it shimmering with promise—a designer dress just for me, with the freedom to dance, flowing with grace, in all the comfort of pajamas.
I’d love to read your 2-minute writings if you wish to share in the comments below.
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