Magic is in the air! It’s been quite a time of letting go and releasing. With all that eclipsing and the new moon, it is as if we’ve just birthed anew. There is so much more to be brought into the world. Perhaps it is as if we’re expecting septuplets! What’s bigger than that? Big magic is in the air! We’re whispering it into being. Only, we’re not content to whisper any more. We’re easily scampering up those trees in full ‘bling’, autumn leaves in our hair, colors dancing before our eyes, magnificent vistas as far as we can see, as we abracadabra magic into being, simply from our knowing and allowing. We receive! In our excitement, we may be tempted to shout from the treetops. There’s no need, though do what ever you please. What wand will you wave? Dare to breathe ✨Magic✨ into being!
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