Posts Tagged "Instagram"

What’s behind a photograph?

Posted by on Aug 16, 2013 in True Nature Expression | 0 comments

What’s behind a photograph? I’ve always loved photographing nature and revel in macro or close-ups. More on that in another post! Recently I started shooting some street scenes. You may have read my Instagram Confessional on my Facebook fanpage. It seems Instagram has contributed to opening up my world to photograph anything from the peeling paint on a car, to storefronts and their interior details, to sneakers-have you noticed the new trend in fluorescent colors!? There are still so many shots on my iPhone that I’m excited to put into Instagram and of course new photo opportunities everyday!

Reflections Through The Looking Glass

Reflections Through The Looking Glass
©Britt Nielsen

Here’s a glimpse at what’s behind one of my street scene photographs from the other day. As I was headed back to my car as I caught a glimmer of evening light in a puddle at an intersection. I photographed the reflection of a street sign multiplying in the ripples after cars drove through. Then it occurred to me that there might be more to see, so I walked into the street, carefully peering into the water-as if it were a deep abyss I could fall into. It was almost surreal to see the street sign disappear and a church slowly surface from the ‘nave’ to the steeple. I felt like Alice in Wonderland peering through the looking glass as different perspectives emerged the deeper I looked. I took some shots with my camera and then moved out of the street. When I saw a biker coming, I grabbed my iPhone to catch the bike and church both reflected. I love how degrees of separation fade as the ‘body’ of the church and road become one.

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