Receive the light. It’s shining from all directions.
Let the light of your true nature shine and brighten the world simply by being you!
Follow the light. Your heart sends out a beacon of light guiding you at every moment. You need only stay open to see it. Follow it without judgment. Trust it. Know there are no wrong turns and you have no lifetime commitment to those turns or choices; you can always choose again. Your heart knows what’s best. Follow the light! Can’t see the light? Go with what feels ‘light’. Here nature’s soft glow is my guiding light.
Read MoreHappy Solstice! May more light grace all of our days! I photographed this double rainbow on the Solstice last year. Memorable and worth sharing again! On the Solstice, I like to take time to pause to release the old, anything that might hold me in darkness so to speak and to open doors to all that symbolizes the new light I welcome in my life. Here’s to more light and vivid sparks of new life experiences as magical as this double rainbow! Let’s make it triple rainbow magical!
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