Posts Tagged "writing prompt"

A Single Leaf

Posted by on Jan 21, 2013 in Live Your True Nature, Poetry | 0 comments

A Single Leaf
©Britt Nielsen

“A Single Leaf” was created through me on a magical autumn day. Such a deafening crunch of leaves underfoot, as I explored the sun-warmed woods, mesmerized by the leaves as they fell blanketing the autumn ground. I never knew when the next ones would leave limb and float under the deep blue sky. Each leaf partnered with the wind, creating a unique dance as it drifted with grace. Only Mother Nature could choreograph such beauty and wonder. I felt an urge to express the awe I was experiencing. When I went to write it in my iPhone (so much for the Thoreau-like romanticism of sitting on a bed of leaves with paper and pencil), this poem came through me in literally two minutes, a fraction of the time it is taking me to write this blog post. The leaf dance was too unpredictable to capture with my 100mm camera lens, so I settled for this image of a limbed leaf, perhaps contemplating its next journey.

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